Sunday 27 January 2013

Practicing Physics (Work)
Classjump worksheet 
Doing the even numbers
Process of solving / Examples

2. A tugboat pulls a ship with a constant force of 5000 N, causing the ship to move through a harbor. How much work does the tugboat do on the ship if each moves a distance of 3 km?

=15000000 Joules
=15Mega Joules

4. A husky dog does 20 kJ of work as he pulls a sleigh with a force of 340 N. Through what distance does he pull it?
20000J/340N = S
                       = 58.8m

6. What is the weight of a mass of 100 kg? Find the work done in raising a mass of 100 kg through a vertical height of 60 m.

1000N x 60m = 60000Joules
                       = 60KJ

8. Carlos does a chin-up in gym class and raises himself 0.8 m.  If Carlos has a mass of 62 kg, how much work does he accomplish? 

W= 620Nx0.8 =490 Joules

10. A girl pushes her little brother on his sled with a force of 300 N for 750. m.  How much
work is this if the force of friction acting on the sled is
(a) 200 N?
(b) 300 N?

(a) W= (300-200) x 750 = 75000 Joules
(b) W= (300-300) x 750 = 0 Joules

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